Note: Krishna was my manager at Twitter and he set me up with some time with
Michael to talk about Earlybird and search in general at Twitter. I wish I had
kept my notes from that discussion.
- Earlybird is the system that holds the near real-time index of tweets
- Goals:
- “Low-latency, high throughput query evaluation”
- “High ingestion rate and immediate data availability”
- Needs to deal with spikes
- Tweets need to be searchable “on the order of a few seconds”
- Historically search indices have been built in a batch operation
- “Concurrent reads and writes”
- Some systems use an atomic swap between new and old versions of the
- I note that some search systems actually bring up a whole new replica
set with the new data
- One of the most interesting ideas in this paper is the lock-free
algorithm for single-writer, multiple-reader inverted indexes
- “Domincance of temporal signal”
- In existing search systems, age of the document isn’t very important
- For Tweets, the authors claim that time is likely the most important
- This guides the design to be efficient for searching in reverse
chronological order
- Overview
- Earlybird is build on top of Lucene
- Earlybird is not the only source of tweets,
is the system that mixes and re-ranks results
- It’s a pretty neat system that allows developers to compose existing
search services into workflows without starting from scratch each time
- Tweets are hash partitioned across Earlybird shards
- “End-to-end, we typically observe a 10 second indexing latency”
- 50 ms query latency
- Index Organization
- New tweets go into an in-memory structure optimized for single-writer,
- Periodically they convert the structure into a read-optimized read-only
- Dictionary
- The term dictionary uses open addressing on primitive Java arrays
- To alleviate issues with GC
- Each term receives a monotonically increasing term ID
- Term data is held in parallel arrays
- # of postings for the term
- pointer to the tail of the postings list
- Active Index
- Each posting is a 32-bit integer
- 24 bits for document-id
- 8 for term position
- Stored in an array, cache friendly
- Postings lists vary in size
- Memory Setup
- Pools are used to hold postings
- Each pool is
- In each pool, they allocate a slice at time
- Sizes:
2^1, 2^2, 2^7, 2^11
elements (i.e. 32-bit int)
- The first time a term is encountered, a postings list is created in the
first pool (i.e. holds 2 elements)
- Once the slice runs out space, a slice is allocated in the next level
- Each slice (except
) reserves the first 32-bits for a pointer to
the previous slice
- 2 bits to address the pool
- 19-29 bits for the slice index
- 1-11 bits for the offset
- In the
pool, postings lists can be allocated multiple slices
- No array copies needed
- Dictionary has a pointer to the current tail of the postings list for
a term
- Optimized Index
- When the active index segment stops accepting writes, they create a
read-optimized index
- They know the exact size required for each postings list
- Postings lists can then be laid out end-to-end as large array of ints
- Dictionary is just a pointer into the array
- Define two types of positings lists
- Short (<1000)
- Stored as before but reverse-chronological
- Long
- Block-based compression akin to PForDelta
- Better than variable-length techniques that suffer from many branch
- Just need to apply a template of bit ops
- Concurrency
- Limit to a single writer per index segment for simplicity
- Protocol:
- Write to the postings list for the terms
- Update tail pointers
- Increment maxDoc (volatile, in JVM this means memory barrier)
- Whenever searching the postings list, readers ignore docs encountered
greater than maxDoc.
- The authors note there are several subtle corner cases beyond the scope of
the paper.
- I’m dying to know that they are!
- In Production
- Each machine has two quad-core procs with 76 GB RAM
- 64 GB heap space
- An index segment with 16 million documents is about 6.7 GB
- Converting to the read-only index saves about 57%
- Future